Thursday, 17 January 2008
haiz... dunno y its just so hard to smile when with small group of friends lately. sometimes, i just feel like seating down there and not talk at all. well, but i guess i cant... later weicong and junzuo they all say i keep on emo.
hmm, there is one thing tat i really dunno y i will go cut myself sia. well, tat day i was like suddenly thinking of something. think think think until so, kind of sad, and then i saw a penknife beside mi, the next thing i knew was i am cutting myself on the right hand and the right arm. haiz... but it was painless at tat time, dunno y but i guess its cos at tat time i was like so, so called, depressed. so down... well, wondering if oneday i will become like how i was in sec2. now even worst... y? i dunno y, i onli know tat the feeling did not fade, in fact i can feel it getting deeper each day. hmm, as i was saying. well, wad if oneday i suddenly become so diam, hw almost all nv do. haiz... dunno, but if tat really happens, then i guess i have onli one thing to say. i have lost myself...
well, enough of all this... lets just hope i can still joke if tat happens ba, and also for now... so for now, let mi just joke as much as i can ba... later u all miss my jokings. hehe...
hmm, its been a long time ever since i tok about mr lee huh... ha... not afraid to tell u all, everytime i feel angry or wad ho, i will go to mr lee de house and whack him de lo. but who knows tat something bad happened to him. i was at his door when i heard a loud noise coming from his room. i bang the door hard and dashed in, the next thing i saw shocked mi totally.
his hand was stucked in tat machine!!! poor mr lee
i was stunned for a few sec, then i called in my gang members to help him cut off his hand.
a few of my man operated on his hand on the spot. this was his hand tat was cut off.
after a few days he was so sad tat he lost one of his hand. he invited mi to his funeral.
In loving memories Mr Lee, AISS art teacher ????-2008 died of depression...
Delicated to Mr Lee, our former art teacher.
well, i was so sad when i know tat mr lee killed himself after he lost his hand, but nvm... he die not my prob. tat pic on top and those in memories all tat shall be his tomb, his mother told mi to put his tomb here.
tats all, take care everyone.
posted by EmoPrince @ 10:04 pm