Tuesday, 1 January 2008
happy new year to all of u!!! a brand new year waiting ahead, hope this year would be a better and happy year for all of u. hmm so how did u guys spent the holidays? nice? well for mi its quite boring...
hmm, lets see... for the half month basically i was working at the coffee shop. looking back at the days i worked there, although its very tiring and bored sometimes but i did had a great time. and i am looking forward to working again. hmm, during tat first month of holiday many things happened tat made mi somehow very irritated and also changed my mood all the time. well, but its all over and there is also nth i can do about it anymore. hmm, other then tat nth much happened liao.
as for the second month. the first half of it, i was like everyday staying at home until i also going to go mad lo. the clock was moving so slow, as if the clock was not moving at all.
during the second half of the month, starting to go out everyday. somemore is morning go then at night 11pm-2am then reached home. well, dun ask mi how i spend so much time outside cos i also dunno how i did it.
hmm, the countdown. wei cong, wei lun and i went to vivo city and watched the count down 2008. actually not really went there and watch, in fact we went there and sqeeze around. hehe... its like so many people lo, next year dun wan go there liao. we went out at 3.30 go timezone ply first. after tat 6 plus wei cong brought us go marina bay, we were not there to do anything. cos know y? wei cong tot marina square is at marina bay. haiz... nvm about tat, after tat we all so hungry so went eat eat then go marina sqaure. hmm, when we reached marina square wei lun told us a bad secret. this year marina square no count down. zz... in the end we so bored so went vivo city seat around. we went to the top floor seat there and listen to music. then blah blah blah count down finish went back yishun northpoint mac seat until 2 midnight. after wei lun went home, i and wei cong go walk and walk and walk until dunno how we land up at my house downstairs. then since both also dun wan go home so we thinking of chatting until morning then go home sleep. hmm... blah blah blah then chat until morning 7 went home bath go sleep liao. 3 plus then woke up. hehe... blah blah blah jiu blah blah blah liao... lolz... bullshit nia.
anyway tmr going school liao lo, everyone study hard k? take care
posted by EmoPrince @ 7:56 pm