Friday, 18 January 2008
hmm, today was a pretty boring day.
physics not really boring. before the lesson started, i was like dun feel like toking then go seat beside zijian there which is at the side of the class. hmm, during the lesson i was like listening most of the time lo. miracle man, usually i will onli listen in math lesson lo. hehe... i think next time i jiu seat there liao ah. lolz...
chinese ha... during chinese was like starting of lesson teacher tell us send one person go buy file for those dun have de. then i go buy, hehe, was like keep delaying the time lo. keep going back to class and delay time, so was like walk slow slow. well, during the lesson teacher gave a test on chinese words... lolz out of 10 words i onli write down 3 words, i dunno the bamboo got write how many, but i know he also there not writing. i think we is 100% stay back liao la. then when finishing the lesson the bamboo go ask a stupid question lo, he go ask the teacher chinese can drop de ma. lolz... then i was like wa can drop chinese jiu gd lo, i sure will drop de.
PE PE lesson now adays are so tiring man. must run 2 round around the school. first round before plying frisbee, the other round after plying frisbee. wa i hate the one after plying frisbee de lo, so damn tiring. haiz... dunno how to ply on sia in my team. 2 girls dunno how to throw frisbee, then the rest is always kanna intercept cos too short. tat includes mi also la, damn it lo. everytime so short then always kanna intercept de. zz... nvm, onli a sports game. not computer games... hehe...
DnT was like dunno wad the teacher toking sia. when the teacher toking there, i was like feel like sleeping lo. so many things in my mind... like going to burst like tat... but in the end i also got wad the teacher is saying.
math well, for math... i was like chiong math de lo. dunno y this year i every math lesson also got listen carefully de. lolz teacher give the hw question 1 to 5 and question 9, i during math lesson already finish 5 question liao lo. lolz... actually can finish all in tat math lesson de, but wasted some time asking teacher how to do 2 questions.
recess nth much... as usual went to seat around and chat at the staircase.
english wa tat mr zee told us to write a compo about a place which is special to us. actually i dun wan to write de, cos too much things to write. thinking of writing on school. well, right in the end i still wrote about school. i was like so many things to write until cant finish lo. wei cong, jun zuo and bryan was like nth to write then keep asking mi to lend them see wad i wrote.
well, after school go colin house put psp game. after tat around 2 to 3 plus liao, then go chambers ply lan. lolz, we were owning for 1 match then got owned on another match. actually in total we plyed 3 matches, the 3rd match was so fun lo... the zijian keep hooking people out of the faceless void de ulti. lolz... we were laughing like hell lo. well, 8pm we went off liao. walk home together, toking about many things.
after tat perry jiu come to mi and tell mi to end this post liao. byebye, take care
posted by EmoPrince @ 11:36 pm